Children's Ministries
Infants – 1st Grade
Meeting during the regularly scheduled Sabbath School time, the Children’s Ministry is age-appropriate faith education curriculum and activities. Parents are welcome to join for the class, or attend the adult classes being offered at the same time. Each lesson includes singing, a lesson, committing a scripture verse to memory, a craft, and a snack.
The Infants – 1st Grade class meets at 9:45am.

2nd Grade – 6th Grade
Both classes offer a thematic and engaging way for children to learn about Jesus – his life, teaching, and sacrifice. It is also an opportunity for children to begin friendships with others and establish their foundation of faith. We hope to see you there!
The 2nd Grade – 6th Grade class meets at 9:30am.
Get Involved
To learn more about Children’s Ministries, contact Dottie Chinnock at 530-518-1285 or via email at