Sabbath School

Community in Christ Adult Sabbath School

Open to adults, from high school graduates onward, Sabbath School is a weekly Bible study, which also serves as a small group. Each session opens with a time for participants to share praises or issues in life, while asking for prayer from the community. the Bible is then opened, to be studied on book at a time. For those who have participated in Sabbath School for many years, all the New Testament has been covered in its entirety, with some of the Old Testament covered. The class moves one book at a time, one chapter at a time for careful, thoughtful reflection on the message. Currently, there is a hybrid meeting option, with attendees able to participate through Zoom. Look for the invitation in the bulletin, and we look forward to seeing you at Sabbath School in the future!

Adult Sabbath School Quarterly Class

The Adventist World HQ produces a new bible-study guide each three-month quarter for the purpose of Sabbath Schools around the world.  This is printed up in many different languages in the various Church divisions in the world.  So the “quarterly” adult class is a class that studies the same topic as the rest of the SdA church Sabbath Schools around the world.  In this case it is very much a discussion class where we dig deep and openly discuss different aspects of the lesson, which this quarter is on the Bible book of Deuteronomy and how it can apply to our life today. 

Get Involved

To learn more about Adult Sabbath School, contact Randy Waring at 530-864-1681 or via email at

To learn more about Adult Sabbath School, Quarterly Class contact Milton McHenry at 530-433-9798 or via email at

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