As a Seventh-day Adventist church, our name reflects both our heritage and our beliefs. Our denomination began with a focus on the soon coming of Jesus Christ. As our church began to grow, belief in the seventh day Sabbath became a distinctive part of our beliefs.Paradise adventist church
Our Mission
Living In Jesus, Sharing God’s Love
Our Core Values
Discipleship, Faith, Family, Grace, Leadership, and Member Ministries
Our Vision
Through God’s grace, the Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church is becoming a loving, contagious, Spirit-led family that lives in Christ and bears fruit through passionate worship, biblical truth, and caring service.
Beliefs Grounded in Scripture
As Seventh-day Adventists, we center our teachings in Jesus Christ. He is fully God, and He created all things together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Sabbath was His last creative act in the creation week when He made the Sabbath as a blessing for us, helping us celebrate our relationship with Him as Creator, Redeemer, and the one who sanctifies or transforms us—restoring us to the divine image in which we were created.
When our first parents demonstrated their distrust of God and led this world into sin, God still loved us and provided a plan to save and restore us to friendship with God—the relationship for which He created us. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all involved in this salvation plan that brought Jesus to this earth to become one with us. Through His life and death, He bridged the gap sin had created between God and humanity. Becoming “sin for us”, He suffered the final consequences of sin in our place, and made it possible for us to be made new in Christ—gaining salvation for us and making us participants in His death and resurrection.
Jesus’ death and resurrection won the victory over sin and death, and made that victory available to all humanity. When He ascended to heaven, Jesus was seated at the Father’s side and now ministers as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary.
Now Jesus continues His ministry in our lives as He dwells in us through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We are His “masterpiece”, recreated to live in Him and serve others in His name as we share the amazing love of God that we experience.
God inspired human authors to write the Bible that tells us His story and how He loves us. The Scriptures invite us into a restored relationship with God as we are transformed more and more like Jesus. Jesus calls us friends as we live in this incredible relationship with Him—a relationship that gives us His victory and His life. This new life leads to obedience of His law as He works in us “to will and to work” what He wants us to do.
We believe that God invites people from every nation, race, and language into fellowship with Him and His people as we look forward to Jesus’ Second Coming. Until then, we have the privilege of living as His friends and sharing His love with those around us.